Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Spell? Prayer? Not a Blog for Haters.

I was born and raised as a plain old everyday protestant...which in my family meant we could get up and go to any church we wanted, take a dime forthe collection plate and BE QUIET about it, don't wake anyone up! :) 

My closest brother(Irish Twins we are!) and I would jump up, dress, grab our dimes and haul ass. One Sunday a Mennonite church, one at a Nazarene, one at a Landmark Missionary Baptist, sometimes we would walk all the way downtown (Kokomo, Indiana) to sit beneath the open windows of a Black church just so we could hear the SING Honey!!! We were always mezmerized by that full gospel choir stuff, but we'd never have gone inside uninvited.

I guess the point to all this is this; we were taught A Prayer; "Now I lay me down to sleep!" I hate that prayer's guts, I didn't WANT to die before I woke! Arggggg. Anyhow. Praying most of my life meant "God if you'll do this for me, I promise never to (fill in the blanks) When I got grown, I no longer believed anything in the bible other than that it was a ferocious accounting to a mean and selfish old man. But I did learn to love the Jesus that I understand from it all.The Man, The Healer, the Carer, the Rabble Rouser, the gentle, just and joyous man who loved children, animals and WOMEN! Woo hoo! I learned there are other gods and goddesses.
Masculine + Feminine = Balance...Yin and Yang. I pray to different ones for different things, though, I must say the Christian/Jewish/Islamic god gets short shrift with me. I just can't go there. I perform spells and rituals sometimes and they have the same intents and outcomes as my prayers, it seems to me. And you? How do you interpret Prayer/Spells? Discussion? :)


  1. I enjoyed this Mawsie... :) Hope it's OK I stopped ova, I am not 60, but I feel well over 60 LOL..

    Love & Blessings to u always,


  2. Oh Rain! I ma so happy you stopped by! Doesn't matter what age you are.....This one is just A goof ball Southern Chick's rantings! :))) Please come again! ?) Love, Mawsie.

  3. Ahh, you and I are two peas in a pod :)

    A spell is a prayer, and a prayer is a spell. Watch how Catholics pray. I smell Paganism! Hell its in every "de-heathened" religion. We create, adapt, destroy, and repeat over and over again. Especially with religion.

    <3 you. I agree one hundred ")


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