Friday, September 3, 2010

Today Was A Good Day To Be Me! :)

Hi ya'll! :)

The new semester at my Volunteer job started today. It's at a placed called Art League Houston....My part of it is called " Healing Arts."
They offer free Art Classes to folks with disabilities, chronic Illness, what have you. Many of the students are wheelchair bound for life; Some as a result of MS, some from Cancers, some from strokes, limb loss from Diabetes, well, you get the big picture. I love art, my son in an artist. I am NOT an artist, but I have an artist's heart and soul.
Three years ago I was looking for something to do as a volunteer that would; number one, get me out of the house and into Houston one day a week at least so that I could see my son Gabe and my Dil Sara when possible for cozy little lunches at cool little bistro's in the Artsy area near where they live and work/school etc. Hubby Ron was probably pretty stoked that my yappy self would be outta the house too! :)
I typed in Volunteer Work Houston and happened to see that they needed a Vol go-fer at this place. I was hired(Free pay) instantly, and except for a glitch caused by someone who needs to be nameless, I have been every Friday that I possibly could.
I love the students. The Art Teacher, Emily Sloan who is a stupendously good artist, sculptor/ friend, the administrators, everyone. The joy, the laughter, the tears, the exclamations of pure happy when someone does a picture that they never thought they could EVER do. Wow!
We share tears, fears, fun, music.Art Sales and Galas that feature their art work, I dance with the wheelchair peeps as well as the others who are able..I mean like, we have music on, so sometimes it just gets us all goin' ON! I am totally LOVIN' bein' a gofer!...I clean brushes, run little errands inside the building for the students, mix paints, hug, talk, make coffee that they swear they love and take an extreme amount of satisfaction in loving what I do. :)

I asked them all something today. I'm going to ask you too, reader/friends.
If you could put a Color to the Word JOY, what color would it be? Think of that color for 15 minutes or so; all the things you can think of that are that color that could make you smile, or laugh with joy. Now Laugh, and remember that color when you need a moment of pure joy!
Gotta go and put some accelerator cream on my gills, it's so damned hot and humid I can't breathe. :)

And BTW My Joy Color is Turquoise. Who knew? lol

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Many Gates in Hell? :)

.....Is it ever gonna be safe to step out the door without trepidation and an anxiety attack?
It's September 2nd and still so hot and humid you'd swear by all that's holy to you that you were just now passing the Ninth Gate of Hellfire, still heading in. Whew! Damn! Boy Howdy! I've had enough. Gimme crisp at the beginning of September! :)

....BTW, Ya'll, time to start planning a Fall Feast for October.....Pumpkin Soup hot and buttery, served in the small scooped out little Pumpkin Bowls. A loaf of Herbed Beer bread and a perfect wine...Yummmm O!! :) Set an outdoor table, light candles and go into the starry night with friends and family having a hearty, filling feast, with you as the Queen Bee , of course! :) Samhain and Dia de los Muertos are coming ya know? :)
Catch ya on the flip.
Keep yourself precious to YOU!