Friday, July 2, 2010

Southern Woman

We are on our third day of just enough rain coming off Hurricane Alex. It made landfall as a Category two, filled with water and a bit of wind. We really needed some rain here in the Houston area, so I am fine with that.
Did you know that in the Native American ways, there are two rains? Male and Female...The male is hard and heavy, penetrating, and the female is soft and gentle, cleansing and fulfilling.
We've had just enough Male Rain, time for some Mama Rain..... :)
Happy 4th of July and may your Indepence always be special to you. Remember all those fighting men and women!
Love ya lots, Kay

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stretching Time Spell

Cool deal!Stretching Time Spell

Stretching Time Spell
July 1

Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Jasmine

Today marks the halfway point of the year. Where are you in terms of everything you wanted to accomplish? A little behind, maybe? Time hard to find? Whenever you need some extra time to finish a project, gather together a yellow candle, a purple thread, and some bergamot oil. Anoint the candle with the oil and set in a holder somewhere it can burn down safely. Run the purple thread between your hands and say the following:
As a spider spins her web
Eternally sheĆ­ll stretch her thread.
As that thread, let this time be
Stretched as long as I shall need.
By Arachne and Ariadne
And by my will, so mote it be!
Wind the thread around the candle, tie it off, and light the candle. Get to work, and note how much you can get done before the flame goes out!