Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Namasté Ya'll

Flower Graphics
Magickal Graphics

Namasté... The Divine in Me recognizes the Divine in You.
We are all from HERE, in our own known universe. We were all born onto this world, onto this earth. It matters so much to me that once we reached a thinking, planning and looking ahead set of senses that different ones of us decided to take up arms and sides and go kill. Instead of seeing each other as close kinfolks to love and cherish and take joy from and give joy unto. The HELL with that....I'm gonna tell us all that we are ALL Humans. We all bleed the same blood. We all hurt, we all love, hate, are fat, thin, multicolored and multifaceted in our reaches for what we believe is Sacred, Holy, Divine, Worshipped, Praised, and Feared.

I want to find that place in all of our hearts where we see the Divine in each other. Namasté.....I want to look up at a rainbow and see the smiling faces of the rainbow hues of faces reflected there, smiling back at me. I want to give thanks to the Universe it's self thanks for all the joy and beauty that's out there showing off for us all, each and every one of us, on ALL continents. I want to stand on the Highest mountain in the world and proclaim ;"We have seen the Divine in each other, all of humanity has, and now there will be Peace. And NOW there will be Peace.
Namasté Ya'll, in love and recognition of your special place in my heart.