Friday, July 22, 2011

Booger Devils

Devil, Satan, Booger, Monster of the Night, Baellzebub, whatevah!... All ya'll Christians can be askeerd of them if ya want to. You can stay on YOUR straight and narrow and fear burning like an oily old rag for eternity if that's what floats that proverbial boat.
If you are led by the nose by beliefs of an entity that causes BAD things to happen around you. Led by the devil on your shoulder telling you to do evil shit to others, like child abuses, rapes, elder abuse, animal abuse,mass murders etc, that's all well and good for you. BUT.....I'ma tell the home truth here....THERE is no entity that does these things. Some people do get mental illnesses that keep them from always knowing right from really wrong. Some are so jerked up by their ears they've never learned the niceties of being a good person. And then, there is just Purentee EVIL clothed in human DNA.
John Wayne Gacy; Evil
Charlie Manson; Evil
Timothy Mc Veigh ; From the Oklahoma City Horrors; Evil
Adolph Hitler & Henchmen; EVIL

They each and everyone had their wits about them, they planned and carried out their evil deeds. None were NUTS....They were simply inhumane human sheit.

I don't fear a devil/booger. I pretty much stay on track because I love to do the right thing. That does NOT mean that I wouldn't try to tear you a new one if i caught you doing evil does mean that I believe that there IS Karma. Karmic debts to be paid.... Whew, I am hoping hard that I have pretty well cleaned up most of my Karmic Debts this time around, it's HARD ya'll!.
Anyhowser....BE good cause ya know it's the right thing to do. Pay it forward(what a brilliant thing there) and know that your kindnesses do not go un-noticed. You maybe didn't notice your reward right off or it hasn't come yet. But cockleshells & bells, just do it right and ya have no boogers to fear, not even bad Karma if you're lucky.
Love ya'll beaucoups!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Awwwwww CRAP...It happened.....

I bet ya'll can't wait to find out what dopey thing I did today, right?
Naw, I know, it's not THAT important, not up against whether to have cream gravy or au jus, but at mi casa, it was a real butt kicker.
....I got dressed, got in the van, made sure I had extra meds (in case) the cell(in case) my ID, my Bank card, my inhaler...the KEYS. Took a long slow drive, enjoying some prayed for rain, took care to TAKE care on the road.

Then I went by Michael's to get some small chain for a new piece of jewelry. Talked to several people, made sure the girl gave me my 10% Tues. AARP discount and left. Next took Ron to Panera for lunch. Great food, nice easy going crowd. Mostly women with Laptops (Free WiFi)... Finished my Mediterranean Veggie on Ciabatta. Went to brush any loose crumbs off my shirt and came close to having a flat out FIT! I had my shirt on WRONGSIDE OUT and hubby had not even noticed,OMG....I slunk(Slank?) off to the restroom and jerked it off and back on muttering like a pissed off squirrel. GAH! Do Not Trust your mate to tell you you look pretty ignorant sitting in the MIDDLE of a nice eatery with your blouse inside out.
Shit! Merde! Crapola! That is All.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Crap....I keep thinking I'm too olde for......

All this blogging stuff! :) The blog it's self is cool, it's all the little things; type size, font style, header stuff, footers background ummmmm okay. I WILL get it all together ONE day! Until then, If you're reading it and it's a mess, hold on, I might can fix it! :)