Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Awwwwww CRAP...It happened.....

I bet ya'll can't wait to find out what dopey thing I did today, right?
Naw, I know, it's not THAT important, not up against whether to have cream gravy or au jus, but at mi casa, it was a real butt kicker.
....I got dressed, got in the van, made sure I had extra meds (in case) the cell(in case) my ID, my Bank card, my inhaler...the KEYS. Took a long slow drive, enjoying some prayed for rain, took care to TAKE care on the road.

Then I went by Michael's to get some small chain for a new piece of jewelry. Talked to several people, made sure the girl gave me my 10% Tues. AARP discount and left. Next took Ron to Panera for lunch. Great food, nice easy going crowd. Mostly women with Laptops (Free WiFi)... Finished my Mediterranean Veggie on Ciabatta. Went to brush any loose crumbs off my shirt and came close to having a flat out FIT! I had my shirt on WRONGSIDE OUT and hubby had not even noticed,OMG....I slunk(Slank?) off to the restroom and jerked it off and back on muttering like a pissed off squirrel. GAH! Do Not Trust your mate to tell you you look pretty ignorant sitting in the MIDDLE of a nice eatery with your blouse inside out.
Shit! Merde! Crapola! That is All.

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