Saturday, July 9, 2011

Witches & Wiccans & Neo Pagans OH MY!

     Civil Wars pit factions that are on two sides of the same issue. Brother against brother, father against son..sister against sister, in fights to the deaths.
 Un-civilized wars appear to be brewing right now in the Pagan/Neo Pagan/ Wiccan/ Non Wiccan Witch with no lineage against witch with some kind of lineage.
I am a Witch, plain and simple. I can conjure I can pray, I do spell work. I make potions, I try to heal, I counsel, I use yarbs (herbs), I read Tarot, I ask different gods/goddesses for different things.
I have no fight nor fuss with any other pagan paths. Can't there be a peace council called to see what's up with all this?
Can't we all just use our majik as we choose and not constantly take a bite out of someone else's ass because they don't practice the craft as we do? Don't you see that if we divide for such sorry ass reasons, we will have given the christian, muslim, and he other God worshipers a big LAUGH, at our own expense? And we will have been CONQUERED.
 I shall live and let live. I shall respect your paths and all others. I will walk mine with a very small hand picked crew if necessary, but I will NOT go to war and cut someone's throat because their beliefs differ from my own. I will not fight my brothers and sisters. I will live to serve the Pagan Community, with joy and trust and love. Will you?
Blessings on ALL Pathways.