Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bonanza® Theme Here... "Sprang's a'coming!!"

"Sprang's a'comin!"
That's what you can hear if you listen closely and are from/in the South! I love when my brain starts in on that and can't let it go...I start to look for best moon plantin' times, best times fer root time fer ' time fer leaf and fruit/ veg developements...when rootcrops need to be put in so they dig good and deep.

!!! ....added inset..Saturday Morning 2/2/12 Prayers and love and hope to the Tornado Victims for all their losses. !!!!!!

But more than that, even more than that; I begin to see the Great Mother and Her Consort Green Man start their Sweet and sometimes violent Dance of Love and Procreation. He and Sol, 'Sky Father' to some, begin to blow warm breaths against Her Breasts and Loins...she dances away and says "Soon, come back soon! You will always be my man, but it's not yet time." It rains, He becomes ill-tempered and blows and huffs and puffs like a pissed off man will do....Buildings and homes fall before Him. He has no good sense. He is hot and ready for mating...She is still cool and not in estrus....But soon. Soon.

Rivers and valley's flood, again things are torn asunder and lost...sadness falls heavily upon Her Body. She is tired of being Cold and Wet. She is creeping out and needs the warmth, the heat her man and Sol can give Her. They are summoned. She is 'ready' Oestra tells the Mother "It is time, my lady."
Green Man blows softly, the rivers fall and behold...a new coat of misty green covers the Earth. The Mother has chosen her favorite cloak. She is fecund. The rich scents of the dampness on and in Her, reach His nostrils...He breathes a soft sweet sigh...Now. Now. NOW! The trees burst forth! Creatures come out into the Sun's warmth to stretch and play...Her Mantle of EVERYCOLOR blooms and comes forth with smells that excite and call Him....
The mating has occured. They have danced the Dance of Spring and Oestre/Easter arrives to trumpet in the news! Hear Her beautiful sighs and moans.."Another year has passed. She has Survived. He has given Her His Essences. We are whole again. The Mother and Father are Benevolent. Aho...So Mote It Be. Forever!" and ever!