Monday, October 18, 2010

My Blood Runs RED and Cold....And Hot!

THIS POST IS NOT A Panty-twist to ANY Non- Red Indian American Native!!!

When October arrives each year, there begins to be the talk of a vacation day for Columbus Day.... November brings Thanksgiving.
Okay now, here's the Rub. I am so  chigger-bit by so many issues  regarding the FIRST PEOPLES to the New World I could just tear out what's left  of my hair (steroids yanno) The Spanish, under a blood thirsty, gold thieving PIRATE( I know, don't go there) came and raped the Americas(it wasn't the Americas then :) ) and killed off it's Native cultures faster than a dose of epsom salts can make ya get rid of your dinner.
 Leif Erickson and Eric the Red and all the other Viking based fellas got here even EARLIER! Yup, they did. and they tried, in the farther north to make a go of it, New(FOUND)land, Iceland Vinland, etc. But they too wanted to live as European and make the Natives peoples into caricatures

 of themselves by modernizing them. WTF?  
And last but never least....The &^%%# Pilgrims had to get into the Act....Yep, cool idea, go and practice your own form of religion and culture. Okay. But DON'T convert the HEATHENS!!!! They don't NEED to be converted any more!
The first Thanksgiving was undoubtedly a scary and sad affair. White folks croaking all over the place because the had no idea how to live and subsist in a new land..They had no squash, beans, pumpkins, roots, nut, berries, and were getting ill at alarming rates most probably from the decidedly different climate and vermin present. Starvation was rearing up. The Indigeous folks meanwhile showed, taught, shared and were humane the best I can figure.
None of that matters. Beginning with the very first broken treaty between the Europeans and ALL indigenous peoples they  got double Effed and left to bleed and bleed and bleed that Good Red NEW world Blood into the ground from the Atlantic to the Pacific. From the Arctic to the faaaaarthest bottom of South America. Their own Heritage was that of wanderers and searchers, from Asia, from Europe in the Sooo long ago...but they displaced no one, they ended no one else's cultures. They burned no books or codices, they destroyed no gods, and no temples, they traded and shared among themselves. Surely they had turf and mates wars... no duh! But the thing is, in the end, thousands of years later, they are still getting slapped in the face with The Pilgrims Thanksgiving and Columbus Day with a passing glance at the token lil indian braves and maidens setting the old picnic table for the ones they were 'serving'.

I am part Cherokee through my daddy. My Red blood and my Green (;]) Irish blood sometimes have hell-acious fusses. I am striped. I love my Celtic Culture, I love my Native to this Continent culture....but they were Native BEFORE it was America. Injuns is only a sloppy way to say Indians -from India  -NOT! So, Ima say I am Celtoi-Trans Siberian, Bering Straits Me! :)