Friday, September 24, 2010

A Beautiful Woman...

Got to work at my Volunteer job early today! Steroids give back the energy that age robs from you; at least while you're on a course of them. :) 
It was still and quiet on the parking lot, only noise was very sporadic traffic on an almost ALWAYS bumper to bumper street on Montrose in Houston's Arst enclave at the Heights! A squirrel was however, knocking pecans off the old tree there, so I sorta dodged them and helped a student carry in some canvasses etc. 
Helped set up the tables and chairs, made Chai Tea for all, washed brushes, helped the Art Teacher sort paints into their respective color groups to make them WAY easier to find for everyone! :)
I piddled here and there, helping, patting, petting and  mixing paints. LOVING EVERY MINUTE,UNTIL I got in my first wheelchair 'run by'..... LOL.
One of the Students (in his 60's I'd say, and another student about the same age, a woman, got a snit going. Not an unusual combo, btw. They simply clash. And living from a Wheel chair has got to be the absolute PITS on your anger quotient some days! :(
Anyhowzer, my toes(in flipfops...duh on me) on my left foot got crumped. I jumped but was very cool, and said nah, it was okay, no prob. Meantime the two of them are shooting daggers. So I go to sit down for a minute in the quiet lobby and just chill a lil.
I saw one of the prettiest women I have ever seen while just sitting there.
Her hair was pure white, she had to be oh maybe 75,76.And she had a very fair complexion that was wrinkled and lined. 
If you recall Texas' past Woman Governor, Ann Richards, you'll recall she had the WRINKLES honey. And she was damn proud of every one of them and was beautiful BECAUSE she acknowledged them and didn't appear to let them get in her way.. Rightfully so. 
The lady today was being shown around the Art Gallery/School and was strolling along in a liesurely and classy manner. She had on a pale, pale pink blouse and white capris. She looked at me and we smiled and I remarked "Boy, that pink is your color. You are just gorgeous!" Flirty, sassy, sexy woman said back to me "That's why I wear it. I love the compliments!" Now that's the way to do that! Accept a compliment and be gracious and joyous. That made me smile all day.
Now then; if only I could learn to believe that a compliment is real! I'm workin' on it! :)

Let me know if you enjoy one of the
  blogs! :)

Take good care of You, you are always gonna be a wondrous work in progress, man or woman!! 
Love ya, Kay


  1. lol that is great. :) Im glad you have the patience with people who run over your toes in wheelchairs! I would've asked for an apology! haha.

    diggin all your blogs babe :)

  2. Nice story, enjoyed this one, so like you :D


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