Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Never Mix a Woman on Steroids With one Pissed at Getting Old! :)

Whew! What a great day.:)

Woke to the first day of Fall being not too horrible. Coffee on the porch in the shade at 8:00AM, not hot, NOT humid? First clue. Not humid....YET!
I am on steroids for an itchy S C R A T C H Y rash that 6 months of humid heat and stress can cause in a woman over 60 who is not gettin' anywhere with figuring out what she wants to be yet etc.
Plans for the day; Lunch at a Tea room with my best Buddy, Barb who is 80 something and HELL ON WHEELS darlin! She still mows her acre with a riding mower and tells her doctors to "Define REST!"

She has been slowing down a bit the last year. Light, manageable diabetic, glaucoma in one eye, maybe a bit of a heart slowdown. But boy is she pissed about getting old. She wants it to BE SLOW.
"This effing getting old all of a sudden is bullshit!" She said to me on the way to lunch today at "Four Friends Tea Room" in Pearland, Texas. (Nice place, nice people, homey! Great Croissant with Chicken Salad!)
Now then, by noon it was 92ยบ and the humidity was climbing. She felt old and crappy, I felt steroidal and GETTING old and crappy. We cursed every fool on the road. We groused and gritched and raised old ho-billy-hell at the world today. In the car, windows up and and with a really good feeling of saying "To HELL WITH IT!" We cruised to Wally World and dared somebody to get snotty or not have a clue what their department had. We cruised Radio Shack and were very happy to have a sales clerk both pleasant, polite, smiling and knowledgeable! :) She was a Doll! Wonder if Wally World across the street called to warn them there were two old ladies headed their way with a hard on at the world? Could be.

At any rate...we got home without bloodshed to anyone. Full of good food and iced tea (and tiny Demitasses' of hand brewed Spice/Fruit Tea made special at the Tea Room.) The heat was still climbing by 3:30 PM so we both decided our fuss at the world could probably wait till later. We both headed for nice cool air conditioned naps at our houses, and then she was gonna mow again....Damn! That woman makes us all look like little bitty lazy assed goofoffs! :)
See ya later, and take the best care of yourself so you'll last as long as Barb has so far! :)
Love ya'll.

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