Monday, September 20, 2010

Humming Birds, Rain and a Cuppa..

Hey ya'll!
What's goin on where you stay? I'm on the Tex-Mex Gulf . lol We had remnant rain all weekend from a tropical storm. That was good though, it was a sweet, nourishing woman rain, a gentle part of the feminine earth watering.
A male rain has made my life miserable more than once down here during Hurricanes and seasonal storms that can put out the fires of Hades given the notion.!
I sat with a book and a cuppa really good French Roast, trying to read but hearing some humming birds around the corner of the porch... Woo hoo. Grabbed the camera and ACTUALLY manipulated a Full minute movie of them diving and darting! And the unedited dumb bell stunt at the end, now to get it on here! :)

This coming Wednesday marks the Fall Equinox...Autumn's factual date. The Moon goes full the next night. So....a Fall Feast/Fest is due, whatcha thinking of? I'm planning hearty breads, Pumpkin or squash soup...ummmmmm oh who knows, how ever many people show up will sort of guide all that! Bring me a Nice thick Port Wine will ya? :)
Take good care of you, no one else will!
Love, Kay

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