Monday, October 11, 2010

PLEASE....PLEASE if you know of someone being bullied and made fun of, PLEASE step in and  do the best you can to stop it. Befriend the person who is suffering, try to do what you can to make the bullies understand that they look smaller and smaller in the eyes of those whose respect they are trying to gain by showing off their tuffness. If a person is heavy, too skinny, of a different sexual nature that what you consider normal, if they are poor and must dress badly...What-ever you consider to be 'different' PLEASE be the one that makes a difference in their lives. Save a life, save a PERSON... Thanks you! 
And Be the Best that You CAN BE! :)
Love ya, Kay


  1. Greetings from California ! I hope the weather is behaving and that there is beauty where you are. XO Oh, and NO BULLIES! THANK YOU! That cannot be said enough.

  2. Hey there from Cali! Thanks for dropping in and you are so right, enough CAN'T be said!!! Have a great Holiday Season! :)


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