Friday, January 20, 2012

Faith Talks, Bullshit Walks

    Having been expected to believe that the Christian Bible is ABSOLUTE, Ground Zero Truth, along with the Torah, The Koran and what-EVER other Ancient Works that lay out a plan for mere mortals to follow, all my life, I became Unconfused sometime ago, but those whose beliefs are thus, will not merely let me believe MY beliefs, they disgust me sometimes with their take of MY FAITH.
•     Now then. I am supposed to take it on Faith that there is someplace called Heaven. Okay. I believe there are the Summer Lands where we will be away to when we shed the chains of being humans and become ALL that we CAN be, Soul, Spirit,Intellect. I have FAITH in that...I do not have faith in Golden Streets and Gates of Pearls and diamond and Ruby Clouds with Angelic beings ten feet tall and Winged hovering around playing Harps and Lyres and other heavenly sounding stringed instruments with a horn or two in the background, UNLESS I believe as well, that that heaven is where the Aliens live who ARE the GAWD that people fear not to follow and believe in at the cost of being thrown into the bowels of a 10,000º trashfire heap for whatever is deemed eternity. Huh uh....No way. I will not be scared into following a set of rules that a whole bunch of men in tents decreed were the one and only truth and light.
•    I WILL, however put my faith in many Gods and Goddesses who are by their very nature, Spiritual Beings that will help me out when I need their particular Guidances.
I love Jesus as a man that lived and then became our God of Kindness and the spirit to fight against wrongs. I believe in the Magdalene as the Goddess Woman's Spirit to go to when my Feminine Warrior Spirit begins to flag with bone deep weariness from the sheer magnitude of what I try to make 'right' on a daily basis. I go to Kwan Yin, my Patroness Goddess for her deep, deep compassion and to talk to her about the things and people who need her touch to keep going. Compassion fuels my beliefs. There are other Gods and Goddesses. There are Spiritual Angels and Guardians. My FAITH is in things some never even dream. My FAITH is as unprovable as the others on this Earth. But I BELIEVE, so let my BELIEFS alone, and LIVE the Good that YOUR beliefs COMMAND you to do.    So mote It Be, Forever and Ever. Amen.

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