Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Was I ABLE to help at all?

     I have a beautiful, sweet, wonderful niece with 4 littles who has had the worst luck mostly since she began to have her family. She is a Christian and was raised by my a Baptist Minister and his sweet wife who might as well have gotten a degree in the Baptist Ministry herself. She ministered right along side of him for almost 40 years. He passed 4 years ago and that really knocked my niece on her tail. She was her daddy's baby, her Go To.....

   She broke up with a man who turned out REALLY NO GOOD :...Her car has broken down, he turned her and her 4 children out and kept all the storage stuff and she can't, without calling in the law and causing her mom more angst, and so she is beaten down to the marrow. No job, no car, no dad, 1/2 of hers and kids stuff gone. :) Anyhow. I asked her yesterday to let me pray for her MY way. And she agreed to that.
 I sat a small altar up for this particular wish and called in Kwan Yin, Mary, Queen of heaven, Yemaya and Jesus. Offerings and prayers and hopes for the very most best to her and the children....and now,  onto the asshole who did this to such a good woman!

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