Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gettin Ready To Put the Pagans Together: Moon Workings.

Okie dokie. Time to get all jiggy and full of lightning and thunder and steel wool and baking soda with lemon juice.
The world is filthy. It's not only dirty from the past 150 years of coal burning, wood burning, rainforest and witch burnings. It's filthy to the core with corruption of so many kinds and so many, many levels. I could probably sit here and name names you would all recognise, bring up all the nastiness we've ever encountered in our life times and still not get even within spitting distance of what actually went wrong and exactly when it began to happen. But there is this; All the Witches/Wizards/Wise and Cunning folk were run to ground and made to act invisble for the past several hundred years. There is NO FRICKIN SATAN in my world and so how could I worship that entity?
Though there IS EVIL! Evil is very ugly and wears a mantle of thick, white, cold ice over it's shoulders. It has no gender. No heart. No soul. It has only need and lust as it's companions. Lust and greed are the leash that powers it forward. Lust for sexual gratification, no matter the cost. Greed for land, no matter how many backs are broken in it's acquisition. Salivating, slobbering quests for more and more and more money, to stow away and look at over and over.
It's an edgy time. Shall we all go down in 2012? Do we care, if it means a new start maybe? Shall we nuke ourselves out of existence? Hmmm. I really hope not.
Shall we Proud Pagans, witches, non witches, preachers and teachers and lovers of all life begin coming together under our own Firery Mantle and see if we can turn this all back around to decency and kindness and guidelines and a love deep enough and nurturing enough to save ourselves from the cold icy heart of selfishness and deceit?
The Moon Mother and a few other pointers for a perfect time to come together can be found. It can be planned. It can come to fruition. We are many, and world wide. Shall we move forward with a plan?
Aho...So mote it be. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Here-Here!!
    Wise words from an even wiser woman :)
    Love to all.



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