Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is Your Spirit Happy?

Is Your Spirit Happy?

Having a Happy Spirit is not something we think or talk about alot, as a rule. But our Spirit is so very important!

You feed your body food...good for it and bad for it. I'm as guilty as anyone in this over- weight, over-indulged country! I have got to stop that madness. So do we all.

We feed our minds, both with great, interesting things and with drivel. We can't help that, except to try and X it out of our minds; Billboards, radio, television, movies shi**y advertising. You all know that drill!

But unless you are a very Spiritual person (Not neccessarily Religious) you probably haven't pampered and loved your Spiritual self in too long.

I myself am a fairly Non-religious person. I do believe in far as I can tell, He really did accomplish many, many awesome things, and He FEELS like my friend. So I'm cool there. It's that Fearsome and jealous God I'm not into.

Here are some (a few anyhow) ways to boost your spirit and make YOU feel good with who you are . Knowing your Anima, your Soul and what it's needs are is as important as your other needs.

Your Sacred Space.

Even if it can only be your CAR... Keep the area neat and clean. Your Spirit gets all confused if there is nothing but clutter all around it.

Don't hang those Mirror air cleaners in the car if you can help it, but DO keep your favorite scent, or incense in the glovebox. Scents are such calming aides. Spend your drive time listening to music that is soft and mystical.

In whatever Sacred Space you choose, make certain it's YOURS. Not open for business to anyone else. Take time to lie down for a moment or sit back amid scent, soft light, music and count all the good things that day ..NOT the bad. I thought I had no blessings one day..what a crock! I got started and the list did too! LOL

Talk quietly to yourself in caring and uplifting words. Tell yourself that you are important and you DO matter in this world. MAKE yourself believe that. A sad and empty Spirit is so unneccessary.

If your Sacred Space is in the outdoors, so much the better. Walk, or sit, lie in a hammock. Look around and count how MANY different green shades there are. Lie on your back on the grass and play that old cloud game... I swear I saw a whale the other day.:)

Put tiny windchimes in trees , on balconies, in your car, where ever you can...ring them yourself. Don't always wait for a breeze. Take deep breaths. Hold them...exhale them slowly. Rub your face, ruffle the hell out of your hair...laugh like a fool at a good memory.. Don't let CRAPPY stuff in. If all you can afford is 15 minutes , do it twice a day, THREE times a day. Tell your Spirit you're sorry you starved it. Love you. Love your heart and soul. FEED the Universe inside you.

Thanks for reading this, if you did. It was really fun to write! 
Kay Massey™®

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